Success By 6 Parents/Primary Caregivers


Parents, Grandparents & Other Primary Caregivers

The United Way Success By 6 team works to support parents in their role as a child’s first teachers.


United Way KinderClub is a kindergarten readiness program designed to help children who will be in kindergarten next fall and their parent or primary caregiver. Through the program parents and primary caregivers learn academic and social information to help prepare their children who will be starting kindergarten next fall.

Check back in early 2025 to see where United Way KinderClub will be offered.

United Way KinderClub at home is a kit for parents and caregivers to use with their children at home and at their own pace.


United Way Success By 6 Raising Children With Conscious Discipline Series
Join us for free monthly sessions for parents, grandparents and other primary caregivers and professionals who work with children ages birth through six. Learn about the core principles of Conscious Discipline and how to move ourselves and our children from surviving to thriving. New and returning learners are welcome!

Transforming Your Relationships Through Conscious Discipline By Reducing Power Struggles & Building Connection
September 24 from 6-7:30 p.m. at Wyatt Park Christian Church Fellowship Hall

Use Your Words: Being Assertive & Building Relationships
October 22 from 6-7:30 p.m. at Wyatt Park Christian Church Fellowship Hall

Get What You Want Without Asking: Creating Self-Motivation That Lasts
November 26 from 6-7:30 p.m. at Wyatt Park Christian Church Fellowship Hall

Click Here to Register for Sessions

CD Socials


Success By 6 Play Paths provide activity stations for families of young children at Bartlett and Hyde parks and at the park north of the Family Campus YMCA. Click here to learn more. 


  • Parent Resource Kits are compiled by United Way Success By 6 and distributed to parents of babies and incoming kindergartners each year. The kits contain important local resource information for parents of young children and materials to help parents learn about the developmental milestones their children should be reaching that year.
  • Child Care Directory: Click here for a list to connect families needing care to licensed, license-exempt and registered home providers in Andrew and Buchanan Counties.
  • Child Care Checklist: Click here for a checklist of what to look for in a childcare facility. 
  • Child Development Worksheet: these sheets give you a rundown of your child's development at different stages of early childhood: 

*Si desea estos documentos en español, haga clic aquí.*

  • Fun Learning Activities you can with your child at home. We hope you and your child have an awesome time of fun and learning at all of our events, but we don't want the fun to stop there.
    • Click here for a list of activities and resources. The activities are suggestions for helping your child’s development and growth. Each child develops at his/her own speed and may do more or fewer of the activities identified for a particular age.
    • Click here for a sheet of activities for you and your child to try around St. Joseph.


  • Click here for the 5 Key Ideas for New Parents flyer
  • Click here for some of the most loved rhymes and songs to sing with your child to help with their development. 
  • Stream the Heartstrings Album on Spotify.

For additional information or resources, contact Bobbie Cronk at 816.364.2381.

Contact Bobbie Cronk